Decks and Accessories for Sale

When I have spare personal decks, wish to reduce my collection, or otherwise come accross a deck that I feel I should pass on, I will post the decks here for sale.

Customized Haindl

I am also willing to sell a very customized version of the Haindl Tarot Deck. This is a very wonderful Tarot, however some people, including myself, have found that the gray borders detract from the beauty of the cards. They are also long, and can be difficult to shuffle. If you like the art, I highly suggest buying a copy of the Haindl Tarot and trimming them.

If you are unable or unwilling to take the time to trim the cards, then you may be interested in purchasing a custom trimmed Haindl.

Majors 1Majors 2

The cards in the images here are trimmed Haindl majors, including Death, The Tower, The Moon, and Strength.

Each card is painstakingly trimmed on all four sides, then the corners are rounded with a corner rounder punch. I can also add the titles of the cards in silver paint pen at the bottom of each card, which helps if you do not instantly recognize the imagery.

I am selling these custom trimmed decks for $75. Please understand that this is not an attempt to make a ton of money; each card is carefully hand trimmed one at a time, and the process of completing an entire deck takes hours of focus. The price includes the deck, the custom trim work, and the shipping. Insurance and delivery confirmation will be extra.

To order a trimmed Haindl or to be put on the waiting list, please email me at ReadingTheCards at

Published on July 30, 2009 at 11:10 am  Leave a Comment  

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