Compass Spread with the Quantum Tarot

This copy of the Quantum Tarot is special in that I have blacked out the card names at the bottom. The colorful oval in the middle of that strip still indicates which card each is, but the black space (instead of the name of the card) gives you time to think about the new implications of the card with the Quantum images before you get bogged down in RWS meanings. Click on either photo for a larger scan. The spread is the Compass Spread by my friend Sherry at Green Trinity.

2009 11-03 Quantum Compass Spread 2The “center” card, which represents where I am at now, is Jupiter (King of Wands). Jupiter was the ultimate father figure in Roman times, and is very self controlled. I’ve been controlling myself almost to the point of stifling lately, so it makes sense.

The North position of my compass is the Solar System (Ten of Pentacles), representing what leaves me cold. I think right now I just feel like security is so far away as to be a joke, and without security, how can we have that sense of completion that comes with the tens?

What warms me is Particle Decay (Five of Cups). I’m starting to feel good about getting past what I have lost and working the new, different situation into my life. It’s a challenge, not a painful situation. Or at least that is how I am trying to see it.

2009 11-03 Quantum Compass SpreadI am set back by Mars (Knight of Wands). He is passion and fiery energy. I want to go to war with my problems. I want to fix them, and I mean yesterday, but my largest problem right now can only be solved by patience, persistence, and time. It’s getting me pretty riled up, and I have not been feeling my best because of the impotent feelings of it.

What moves me forward is Neptume (King of Cups). Looks like my husband is the driving force pulling me forward. Makes sense to me. There were a lot of court cards today!

Daily Draw for Thursday

Today I drew the two of Wands, the Queen of Cups, and the ten of Cups. Please click on the cards for a larger scan.

2009 10-15 DailyI was particularly surprised to note the return of the Queen of Cups today. She popped up just two days ago. In fact, I seem to be seeing a lot of cups cards lately.

The first card in the reading is the two of Wands, and I couldn’t help but think how sad this little fae looks. She obviously wants to jump up and fly, but she’s too scared. The Queen is looking into her cup and seeing the plight of the little fae, and you can see the concern on her face. She wants to use her magic to transform the situation on the two of wands into a situation like the one on the ten of Cups. Of course the Queen of Cups sees a Cups solution, which may not be entirely objective of her.

Am I afraid to fly? Maybe. The empathic part of myself wishes I could be happier and isn’t sure how to work that magic, at least not yet. I think now is a wonderful time to think seriously about how to transform my empty nest feelings into full cup feelings instead.

Daily Draw for Tuesday

Today’s reading is the Chariot, the four of Chalices, and the Queen of Chalices. Click on the cards to see a larger scan.

2009 10-13 DailyI see this reading as sort of a story. The Chariot shows how far I have come so far, and also reminds me that I am on a loooong path. It came up for me just a few days ago to show something similar. The four of Chalices is how I feel right now; I dream of something better – better finances, better skills – but dreaming won’t get me there without action. She has that wonderful big cup, and all she can do is dream of the next, better one. Better for me to be the Queen of Cups. See how she takes advantage of what she has in front of her instead of wishing for more. She looks deeply into her cups and works her magic as well as she is able to with what is right in front of her. Smart Queen.

Daily Draw for Monday

Oh, here we are on Monday again. They come around so often, don’t they? Seems like much more often than, say, Saturday. Ah, well, my cards for today are happy ones at least: the Hierophant, the three of Cups, and the Knight of Cups with my Fae Tarot.

2009 10-12 DailyVery easy reading today. The Wistest Fae is reading from a list, adding items and marking off what is done before time runs out. That is me, trying to accomplish all of the worthy goals on today’s to-do list despite time feeling short for all of it.

The three of Chalices is a celebration even in the midst of an abandoned garden, and I think it refers to the joy in this house despite the belt tightening that we have been doing. It could also refer to my hot date tonight. My dad is taking me out for dinner and a movie, and I plan to have a nice chat with him as well.

The Knight of cups makes me think of my baby. He usually comes up as the Page of Cups, but today he is doing nothing but eating and sleeping. In other words, he’s growing up into my little knight!

Simple and fun… three very basic moments from my life today laid out for you in the cards. I love it when a reading comes together this easily and I am so quick to grasp it.

Daily Draw for Friday

Insomnia has returned, and I am slowly going crazy. Today’s cards are The World, King of Wands, and nine of Wands. You will make them all very happy if you give them a little clicky so you can see them better. Just hit the back button to keep reading.

2009 09-25 DailyThe World card seems to be speaking to me of building a strong foundation. She is confident in her footing, or else she wouldn’t be able to dance among the stars. The King of Wands mirrors that confidence, and the lions at his feet speak of control as well. The combination of cards seems to be saying that when my foundation is strong, I will be strong as well.

The woman on the nine looks like she is getting ready to plant that last wand in a row with the others. Perhaps she is nearing the end of a long journey, and is feeling some success. This is not really the end of a journey for me right now, but it is the end of feeling like a total newbie on my hoop, which has been suspended in my garage for several weeks now. I am still tender and having trouble with certain moves, but I no longer feel like a total beginner again, and I am gaining confidence and joy in the basics that I practice (almost constantly).

The deck that I used today is the Mystic Dreamer Tarot. If you enjoy it, you may also like the Llewellyn Tarot. Both are available through Amazon, and any purchase made through the links on this page will benefit Reading the Cards, so thank you for your patronage!

Daily Draw for Wednesday

I am not sure if I will do an oracle pull today or not, but the cards were calling to me, so out they come. I shuffled for almost ten minutes while I read some email today, and only when I was done did I hold the cards, direct my focus, and shuffle some more for the daily draw. And yet here is the King of Swords again, for the second day in a row! He comes with the two of Swords and the four of Pentacles. As always, click for a larger image.

2009 09-16 DailyYesterday I was having trouble reading my daily reading. Today I found out that Mercury is in retrograde, and one of the things that it is currently affecting is clarity in communication. Great. I also found out that it is affecting writers, which I am. Also great. At least I know why my life has literally exploded since September 7th! (For example, today the microwave burst into flames.)

After trying valiantly to ignore the noble King of Swords yesterday, he came back today to remind me that I didn’t get the message. He brought the two of Swords with him, perhaps to drive home the point. It does show a woman blindfolded, after all. The card image looks as if the sun is coming out from behind the moon, perhaps representing clarity after confusion. The moon is in many Mystic Dreamer cards, and it is in all three of these.

The four of Pentacles looks just like I feel. She is sitting on the ground clinging to her pentacle in the same way that I feel like I have to pinch every penny right now. Like many people, money is currently a problem for me. The two represents choices in many cases. Perhaps the choice to remain blindfolded or to see what’s in front of me. She is facing toward the King of Swords on the next card, who still looks arrogant and in control. To be honest, this card sort of creeps me out, the way his expression is.

I admit I am still thoroughly confused. 😦

The deck that I used today is the Mystic Dreamer Tarot. If you enjoy it, you may also like the Llewellyn Tarot. Both are available through Amazon, and any purchase made through the links on this page will benefit Reading the Cards, so thank you for your patronage!

Daily Draw for Tuesday

Today’s reading pretty much puzzles me. The cards are the Knight of Cups, the eight of Wands, and the King of Swords. Click on the actual image to see a larger scan of the cards.

2009 09-14 DailyThe Knight of Cups is moving forward toward the same thing that the woman in the eight of Wands is looking at. Perhaps they are heading toward the same goal? Perhaps the King of Swords IS that goal. The wands card represents power and forward movement, so perhaps that is the Knight of Cups picking up speed on the quest.

If this relates to me in a job sense, I would say that it is my progression, slowly plodding forward right now, but soon to move more surely and quickly toward what I want.

The deck that I used today is the Mystic Dreamer Tarot. If you enjoy it, you may also like the Llewellyn Tarot. Both are available through Amazon, and any purchase made through the links on this page will benefit Reading the Cards, so thank you for your patronage!

Daily Draw for Monday

Back to the Da Vinci Enigma for today. I’ve been off of it for a few days as things got hectic around home, but I have missed my cards, so I’m glad to have the time to get back to my daily readings. Today I drew the seven of Water (Cups) the Knight of Fire (Wands), and the four of Air (Swords). Click on the scan for a larger image.

2009 08-24 DailyThe seven of Water is an illusion done by Da Vinci, which shows a bat one way, and a dog the other. The card has a keyword: illusion. Am I deluding myself about something today? Well, there is a Tarot deck that I found for a great price, but it doesn’t ship to the US. I want to charge forward like the Knight of Fire, and find someone in a European country willing to play middle man, but perhaps now is a better time for Repose, a la the four of Air. Stop, rest, and rethink this, is what the cards are saying. Guess I will do.

Keep your eyes out tomorrow to win a copy of the Da Vinci Enigma Tarot or a reading with this deck soon! But if you just can’t wait, the Da Vinci Enigma is also available on Amazon. All items purchased through the links on this blog benefit Reading the Cards, so thank you!

Daily Draw for Monday

Today has been a very stressful day, which is why it is the afternoon and I am only just getting out my cards. I used the Da Vinci Enigma Tarot for the reading. Keep your eyes open, because if you like this deck, you could win it, or a reading with it! Details tomorrow!! Now, on with the reading. I drew the Lord of Earth, the Two of Air (Swords), and Imagination (Chariot). Click on the cards to see a larger scan.

2009 08-17 DailyThe Lord of Earth tells me about my role as master of the household finances, a job that I sort of stumbled on today. While sorting out the chaos, I was feeling very stressed out and unhappy. The Lord reminds me that I am the one in control, and as such it is up to me to calmly fix things and get on with life rather than freaking out unnecessarily.

The two of Air shows two riders on horseback. The card’s keyword is “respect”, and the book talks about seeing the other side of an issue, and two people putting aside conflict to work together, etc. I think I just need to respect this mistake as the small and annoying thing it is, and work with it as a learning experience instead of trying to bury it or forget about it.

The Imagination card tells me to let my creative side have some free reign here, and to allow myself to move forward past this mistake and find creative ways to fix it, which I have already worked on doing. It is a pain to have to deal with this kind of thing, but I believe it will prove useful to me in the end.

Keep your eyes out tomorrow to win a copy of the Da Vinci Enigma Tarot or a reading with this deck soon! But if you just can’t wait, the Da Vinci Enigma is also available on Amazon. All items purchased through the links on this blog benefit Reading the Cards, so thank you!

Daily Draw for Sunday

You may have noticed that there are days here and there when I cannot get online to update a daily draw for a particular day, however I am trying to keep things updated at least six days a week. That said, today’s daily draw is the Knight of Wands, the Hanged man, and the Queen of Cups.

2009 08-09 DailyThe artist on the Fenestra Tarot used different styles for the minor arcana and the major arcana, so the card that stands out here to me is the Hanged Man. He is unconcerned, his foot bound to the tree, his other leg loose, and his arms behind his back. Is this a pose of relaxation, or is he bound that way as well? He is unworried, even radiant.

There is a contrast in the characters here. The Knight of Wands is extremely determined, and the Queen of cups is very relaxed in posture. You wouldn’t think they would get along, even though they look like they could be sisters. Perhaps the Hanged Man is suggesting a different way to look at things. The women could be great helps to one another if only they could align their different viewpoints. I may need to look at bringing my creative energy and my nurturing energy into balance.

The Fenestra is a deck designed and created by a Thai artist to express the many influence on her artistic work and her love of the Tarot. The images are soft acrylic in a watercolor style, and pretty easy to read. If you would like to purchase the Fenestra Tarot, click here!  All purchases through the link of this blog support Reading the Cards, so thank you!