Daily Draw for Friday

Look who finally got a draw posted in the morning for once! Today I am using my Osho cards, and they seem to have a few favorites to toss my way, like it or not. I drew the seven of Fire (Wands), Integration (Temperance), and the three of Clouds (Swords). Click on the card images to see a larger scan.

2009 10-02 DailyAsking what my day holds for me and seeing Stress and Ice-Olation is not exactly comforting, but the temperance in the middle makes all the difference. I have a lot of balls in the air, just like my friend on the seven, and I do take care of most of it alone, as in the three, but I am also working very hard to keep those many things as balanced as possible. I have plans to work out today, and plans to work. I have housework that I need to do, and family that I can and probably will visit with tonight. Balance. Not overdoing any one thing. Temperance. I think the two “negative” cards are showing me what will happen if I drop the ball and forget to keep myself centered today. Message received!

It is also interesting to note that since I started doing daily draws, the only times that I have drawn the seven of Wands and the three of Swords have been with the Osho Zen Tarot deck. Kind of interesting!

The Osho Zen Tarot is an interesting deck for beginners because of the intuitive images on the cards. As a more advanced reader, I really love comparing the keywords to my established definitions of the cards. To buy the Osho Zen Tarot, click here. You might also be interested in the Osho Zen Tarot: Music for Tarot Reading. By buying through the links in this blog, you help support Reading the Cards, so thank you!

Daily Draw for Friday

Today’s daily spread includes Postponement (four of Swords), Ice-Olation (three of Swords), and Innocence (Sun). Click the cards for a larger scan.

2009 08-07 DailyPostponement looks pretty much how I feel right now. I have been dealing with (please note that I don’t say “suffering from”) depression since adolescence, and in the last few years have learned about what I call my “tells”. They are the little things or feelings, like a certain kind of restlessness, which I start to feel a day or two before I start getting actually depressed. They are like an advance warning system if you are self-aware enough to spot them. I was feeling some of my tells yesterday and last night, so I am totally unsurprised to draw two cards that seem to be describing depression this morning: the three and four of Swords.

The Sun card was much more interesting to me. It shows an old man happily laughing at a praying mantis on his finger, with cherry blossoms raining down around him. Looks like a lovely spring day. The card is called “Innocence”, but the man is not a child, he is an old man. He must have chosen a path of joyful innocence. To me, this says that I can put my life on hold (Postponement) and let the depression win (Ice-Olation), or I can choose Innocence and joy, and let myself experience the day. I’m already feeling better.

As I was shuffling, the Stress card jumped out. 2009 08-07 ExtraI guess that’s about as clear a message as any of us ever get: you’re juggling too much and trying to accomplish too much. Just relax, let some things go, and don’t be afraid of the occasional stumble. I love the extra arms and legs in the figure, and how they are making things harder instead of easier. Instead of wishing for an extra arm or extra hour in the day, we should work on working within our limits, instead.

The Osho Zen Tarot is an interesting deck for beginners because of the intuitive images on the cards. As a more advanced reader, I really love comparing the keywords to my established definitions of the cards. To buy the Osho Zen Tarot, click here. You might also be interested in the Osho Zen Tarot: Music for Tarot Reading. By buying through the links in this blog, you help support Reading the Cards, so thank you!

Daily Draw for Thursday

I had a lot going on yesterday, and I spent most of the day away from home, so I did not post my daily draw. I’m back again today, though, and ready for action! My draw today was Inner Voice (High Priestess), Abundance (King of Wands), and Source (Ace of Wands) in the Osho Zen Tarot. You can click on the card images for a larger scan of the spread.

2009 08-06 DailyYou can actually re-arrange these cards to almost form a sentence saying “Your Inner Voice is the Source of your Abundance”.

If I were to extend that thought a little, I would probably say that the cards are trying to tell me to listen to my intuition (the High Priestess) in order to get the abundance that I want or need. Right now my intuition is pointing me at some boring but steady work to keep the money flowing in my household, but I can also tell that I should not give up on the other work that I am hoping for, which is irregular but which pays well when I can get it.

The Osho Zen Tarot is an interesting deck for beginners becuase of the intuitive images on the cards. As a more advanced reader, I really love comparing the keywords to my established definitions of the cards. To buy the Osho Zen Tarot, click here. You might also be interested in the Osho Zen Tarot: Music for Tarot Reading. By buying through the links in this blog, you help support Reading the Cards, so thank you!

Daily Draw for Thursday

Today I am working with the Osho Zen Tarot deck. In my daily draw today, I got the 9 of Clouds (Swords), the 10 of Fire (Wands) and the 3 of Clouds (Swords).As usual, feel free to click the spread to get a larger scan.

2009 07-30 DailyThe man on the nine looks very lonely, and this particular card refers to the fact that times of sorrow can become times of enlightenment. There is a lot that I am able to learn, work on, and do this week because I am alone. I miss my son, who is staying with his grandma until the middle of next week, but I also have the opportunity to take advantage of it.

The ten is meant to speak of the need to release tension and stress. The man in the card is tied down by so many obligations that he has almost become those obligations. See how his lower body is gone, and nothing but the ropes are left? But the cracks show that things are about to come to an explosive head. I think I need to spend some time meditating today and find out where and how to release my own tension. I haven’t been sleeping well, and it is affecting me.

The three is an even more lonely looking card at first glance, but sometimes isolation is exactly what we need. My husband will be out late tonight, and I will spend all day and night on my own doing whatever I want to do. Some people have trouble with this kind of isolation, but every once in a while, I really find myself needed to be alone in the quiet to recharge. I won’t be isolated all day, though. I have a Tarot bag on order, and I plan to go to a cafe to enjoy the smells and the people around me while I finish it up.

The Osho Zen Tarot is an interesting deck for beginners becuase of the intuitive images on the cards. As a more advanced reader, I really love comparing the keywords to my established definitions of the cards. To buy the Osho Zen Tarot, click here. You might also be interested in the Osho Zen Tarot: Music for Tarot Reading. By buying through the links in this blog, you help support Reading the Cards, so thank you!