Daily Draw for Thrusday

Sorry that I have not been posting all week. I gave myself food poisoning on Monday and have been slowly trying to get back into the swing of things all week. The good news: no one else in my family ate the bad food. So, without further ado, the Bohemian Gothic Tarot for Hallowe’en week! I drew the nine of Pentacles, Temperance, and the six of Cups. Click on the cards for the detailed scan.

2009 10-29 DailyI asked the cards to show me what would happen today, and it was spot on. The nine of Pentacles traditionally shows a person enjoying a garden that they have built for themselves, independent, confident and sure. My husband and I are pretty broke, but we have set aside a little money so that I can build a couple of raised planters (our soil sucks) and grow vegetables for next year. We would like to be independent of our current vegetable supply, since we hate it. Step one, build the beds and buy the winter vegetable seeds. I’m shopping for seeds and lumber today!

Temperance shows my reluctance to overspend. A high bed would be nice to keep from stooping (and to keep the baby from meddling too much), but it requires more wood and therefore more money. I have a way limited budget, so this is me trying to balance “good beds” with “don’t overspend”.

The six of Cups shows children with flowers all around them, including a pot in the girl’s hand. I am totally dreaming about how this will look when it is done, and I am very excited about it. I guess I will spend a lot of today with my head in the clouds, which is fine as long as I get some work done, too! 🙂

Daily Draw for Tuesday

Today’s deck is less widely available in the States than most of the others that I have used. It is called the Lunatic Tarot, and it is from a Chinese artist. It has very nice cardstock and some images that are not for the faint of heart. Today’s draw is the ten of Pentacles, the seven of Cups, and the High Priestess. Click on the cards for a larger image.

2009 10-20 DailyThe ten of Pentacles immediately catches my eye because it is so different from the other two. It is rough and hard to read compared to the elegantly drawn cards from the rest of the reading. It makes me think that my ten of Pentacles state is sort of in a rough draft phase right now as well. I have this image in my head, but we’re not there yet.

The seven of Cups plays into this a little bit. The woman is standing among some huge cups. They seem to be almost crushing her, and she looks worried. Are they growing? Perhaps her dreams and fantasies are taking over much more of her life than she is comfortable with. If I want to get to my completed ten of Pentacles, I will probably have to stop the daydreaming and take a solid action.

The High Priestess looks rather rich herself, surrounded by the Pentacles on her mantle, there. She is femininity, self control, and wisdom embodied. As a majors card, she is also trying to show me something very important. Perhaps that I need to use my wisdom to choose my path to the ten?

Daily Draw for Thursday

Today I drew the two of Wands, the Queen of Cups, and the ten of Cups. Please click on the cards for a larger scan.

2009 10-15 DailyI was particularly surprised to note the return of the Queen of Cups today. She popped up just two days ago. In fact, I seem to be seeing a lot of cups cards lately.

The first card in the reading is the two of Wands, and I couldn’t help but think how sad this little fae looks. She obviously wants to jump up and fly, but she’s too scared. The Queen is looking into her cup and seeing the plight of the little fae, and you can see the concern on her face. She wants to use her magic to transform the situation on the two of wands into a situation like the one on the ten of Cups. Of course the Queen of Cups sees a Cups solution, which may not be entirely objective of her.

Am I afraid to fly? Maybe. The empathic part of myself wishes I could be happier and isn’t sure how to work that magic, at least not yet. I think now is a wonderful time to think seriously about how to transform my empty nest feelings into full cup feelings instead.

Wednesday Oracle

Today’s oracle is the Celtic Messages Oracle. I drew #20, the Hill, which says “Perspective” across the bottom. Give it a click to see a larger scan.

2009 10-14 Wednesday OracleThe card is a reminder to stand up and away from the situation that you are currently in and give yourself some bird’s eye perspective if you can. Observe things from outside of the situation, and make an unbiased and informed choice. This is something that I need reminding of now and again. I tend to compare myself to others, even if they have more experience, or expect things to happen overnight. Obviously, overnight is rarely the case. Perspective. Good.

The deck that I used today is the Celtic Messages Oracle. It is available on Amazon for a great price, and it seems to be a deck well worth the money. You may also want to consider The Book of Celtic Symbols: Symbols, Stories & Blessings for Everyday Living from the same author. Every purchase you make from Amazon after clicking a link in this blog will benefit Reading the Cards, so thank you very much.

Published in: on October 14, 2009 at 2:15 pm  Leave a Comment  
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Daily Draw for Tuesday

Today’s reading is the Chariot, the four of Chalices, and the Queen of Chalices. Click on the cards to see a larger scan.

2009 10-13 DailyI see this reading as sort of a story. The Chariot shows how far I have come so far, and also reminds me that I am on a loooong path. It came up for me just a few days ago to show something similar. The four of Chalices is how I feel right now; I dream of something better – better finances, better skills – but dreaming won’t get me there without action. She has that wonderful big cup, and all she can do is dream of the next, better one. Better for me to be the Queen of Cups. See how she takes advantage of what she has in front of her instead of wishing for more. She looks deeply into her cups and works her magic as well as she is able to with what is right in front of her. Smart Queen.

Daily Draw for Monday

Oh, here we are on Monday again. They come around so often, don’t they? Seems like much more often than, say, Saturday. Ah, well, my cards for today are happy ones at least: the Hierophant, the three of Cups, and the Knight of Cups with my Fae Tarot.

2009 10-12 DailyVery easy reading today. The Wistest Fae is reading from a list, adding items and marking off what is done before time runs out. That is me, trying to accomplish all of the worthy goals on today’s to-do list despite time feeling short for all of it.

The three of Chalices is a celebration even in the midst of an abandoned garden, and I think it refers to the joy in this house despite the belt tightening that we have been doing. It could also refer to my hot date tonight. My dad is taking me out for dinner and a movie, and I plan to have a nice chat with him as well.

The Knight of cups makes me think of my baby. He usually comes up as the Page of Cups, but today he is doing nothing but eating and sleeping. In other words, he’s growing up into my little knight!

Simple and fun… three very basic moments from my life today laid out for you in the cards. I love it when a reading comes together this easily and I am so quick to grasp it.

Daily Draw for Thursday

Today I am using my Fey Tarot, which although it is pretty new to me is already a lot of fun. I don’t generally go for the cartoony cards, so this is a nice diversion for me and hopefully for you as well! Today’s draw was the eight of Chalices, The Chariot, and the two of Pentacles. Click on the cards for a full sized scan.

2009 10-08 DailyThe eight of Chalices in this deck seems to really specifically point to walking away from something that you may once have been attached to, but which you realize is not really for you. It isn’t about giving up or escaping, but about making the right and reasonable decision to step back. The most recent decision that I have made to that affect has been to try to do more with less. For example, yesterday I was mourning the fact that yet another pretty pair of socks had worn through the toes because they are so thin. Socks are either pretty but short lived or sturdy but plain, it seems. I wanted a new set, but didn’t really need them, especially since they don’t last long. That’s when I realized that I can crochet or knit my own colorful socks from now on. They will probably be more sturdy, and less expensive, too. Plus they will have actual meaning for me.

The Chariot reminds me that this is not just a “minors” decision but a grand one that will be a constant journey for me. I will never be done walking this path for as long as I choose to stick to it. It is a good reminder to have. The fey on the two of Pentacles are reminding me that it is possible to be happy with what is in front of you. I’ve already turned myself away from several small purchases by keeping this kind of thinking in mind.

Daily Draw for Friday

Look who finally got a draw posted in the morning for once! Today I am using my Osho cards, and they seem to have a few favorites to toss my way, like it or not. I drew the seven of Fire (Wands), Integration (Temperance), and the three of Clouds (Swords). Click on the card images to see a larger scan.

2009 10-02 DailyAsking what my day holds for me and seeing Stress and Ice-Olation is not exactly comforting, but the temperance in the middle makes all the difference. I have a lot of balls in the air, just like my friend on the seven, and I do take care of most of it alone, as in the three, but I am also working very hard to keep those many things as balanced as possible. I have plans to work out today, and plans to work. I have housework that I need to do, and family that I can and probably will visit with tonight. Balance. Not overdoing any one thing. Temperance. I think the two “negative” cards are showing me what will happen if I drop the ball and forget to keep myself centered today. Message received!

It is also interesting to note that since I started doing daily draws, the only times that I have drawn the seven of Wands and the three of Swords have been with the Osho Zen Tarot deck. Kind of interesting!

The Osho Zen Tarot is an interesting deck for beginners because of the intuitive images on the cards. As a more advanced reader, I really love comparing the keywords to my established definitions of the cards. To buy the Osho Zen Tarot, click here. You might also be interested in the Osho Zen Tarot: Music for Tarot Reading. By buying through the links in this blog, you help support Reading the Cards, so thank you!

Goddess Draw

I have a set of Goddess cards with beautiful paintings on the front and information about each Goddess on the back. I draw them often, especially when I feel as if I need guidance in a situation or help to get through a tough time. Today I drew for meditation purposes, and got Rhiannon. Click on her for a larger scan, and to read about this Goddess.

RhiannonIf you are interested in working with the Goddess Knowledge Cards, please check out this link to Amazon. The cards are beautiful and inexpensive, and can can really provide needful guidance. If you enjoy Goddesses, you may also be interested in the Goddess Guidance Oracle Cards. Every time you make a purchase through a link on this site, you are supporting Reading the Cards, so Thank You!!

Published in: on October 2, 2009 at 7:33 am  Comments (1)  
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Daily Draw for Friday

Insomnia has returned, and I am slowly going crazy. Today’s cards are The World, King of Wands, and nine of Wands. You will make them all very happy if you give them a little clicky so you can see them better. Just hit the back button to keep reading.

2009 09-25 DailyThe World card seems to be speaking to me of building a strong foundation. She is confident in her footing, or else she wouldn’t be able to dance among the stars. The King of Wands mirrors that confidence, and the lions at his feet speak of control as well. The combination of cards seems to be saying that when my foundation is strong, I will be strong as well.

The woman on the nine looks like she is getting ready to plant that last wand in a row with the others. Perhaps she is nearing the end of a long journey, and is feeling some success. This is not really the end of a journey for me right now, but it is the end of feeling like a total newbie on my hoop, which has been suspended in my garage for several weeks now. I am still tender and having trouble with certain moves, but I no longer feel like a total beginner again, and I am gaining confidence and joy in the basics that I practice (almost constantly).

The deck that I used today is the Mystic Dreamer Tarot. If you enjoy it, you may also like the Llewellyn Tarot. Both are available through Amazon, and any purchase made through the links on this page will benefit Reading the Cards, so thank you for your patronage!