Daily Draw for Tuesday

Today’s deck is less widely available in the States than most of the others that I have used. It is called the Lunatic Tarot, and it is from a Chinese artist. It has very nice cardstock and some images that are not for the faint of heart. Today’s draw is the ten of Pentacles, the seven of Cups, and the High Priestess. Click on the cards for a larger image.

2009 10-20 DailyThe ten of Pentacles immediately catches my eye because it is so different from the other two. It is rough and hard to read compared to the elegantly drawn cards from the rest of the reading. It makes me think that my ten of Pentacles state is sort of in a rough draft phase right now as well. I have this image in my head, but we’re not there yet.

The seven of Cups plays into this a little bit. The woman is standing among some huge cups. They seem to be almost crushing her, and she looks worried. Are they growing? Perhaps her dreams and fantasies are taking over much more of her life than she is comfortable with. If I want to get to my completed ten of Pentacles, I will probably have to stop the daydreaming and take a solid action.

The High Priestess looks rather rich herself, surrounded by the Pentacles on her mantle, there. She is femininity, self control, and wisdom embodied. As a majors card, she is also trying to show me something very important. Perhaps that I need to use my wisdom to choose my path to the ten?

Daily Draw for Thursday

I had a lot going on yesterday, and I spent most of the day away from home, so I did not post my daily draw. I’m back again today, though, and ready for action! My draw today was Inner Voice (High Priestess), Abundance (King of Wands), and Source (Ace of Wands) in the Osho Zen Tarot. You can click on the card images for a larger scan of the spread.

2009 08-06 DailyYou can actually re-arrange these cards to almost form a sentence saying “Your Inner Voice is the Source of your Abundance”.

If I were to extend that thought a little, I would probably say that the cards are trying to tell me to listen to my intuition (the High Priestess) in order to get the abundance that I want or need. Right now my intuition is pointing me at some boring but steady work to keep the money flowing in my household, but I can also tell that I should not give up on the other work that I am hoping for, which is irregular but which pays well when I can get it.

The Osho Zen Tarot is an interesting deck for beginners becuase of the intuitive images on the cards. As a more advanced reader, I really love comparing the keywords to my established definitions of the cards. To buy the Osho Zen Tarot, click here. You might also be interested in the Osho Zen Tarot: Music for Tarot Reading. By buying through the links in this blog, you help support Reading the Cards, so thank you!

Daily Draw for Saturday

Today I drew the High Priestess, the Four of Cups, and the Knight of Wands. Click on the image for a larger scan of the cards.

2009 08-01 DailyThe High Priestess looks so carefree, absolutely not weighed down by her tasks or the expectations that are placed on her. She floats through her realm, totally confident and peaceful.

The four of Cups looks peaceful too, but in a different way. He is relaxing, calm and happy, but then there is something out of his reach, and suddenly he cannot focus on what he already has.

The Knight of Wands is still, and while his horse has raised one foot, there is not much movement in this card. He seems to be looking right at me, asking whether I am really working toward my goals, or whether I am waiting for him to come rescue me. The fact that he’s not moving suggests that I have to get there myself.

I think that the High Priestess is trying to show me how to balance all of the many things that I want to do in my life right now. The stars in her hair, which traditionally represent the signs of the zodiac, seem to me to be the things that are literally “on her mind”. They are balanced and not overwhelming her. Taking that together with the four, perhaps I should strive to use my “wants” to balance myself out. For example, think about the goal while I am doing a task that I don’t enjoy. As the Knight says, I’m on my own, but I can do it or he wouldn’t just be sitting there.

If you would like to buy the Gilded Tarot for your own collection, please click here. The deck is a wonderful beginner deck, but also has enough depth to sustain a more advanced reader. It has been one of my favorites for a long time. I also strongly recommend pre-ordering the Legacy of the Divine Tarot by the same artist. By buying through the links in this blog, you help support Reading the Cards, so thank you!