Compass Spread with the Quantum Tarot

This copy of the Quantum Tarot is special in that I have blacked out the card names at the bottom. The colorful oval in the middle of that strip still indicates which card each is, but the black space (instead of the name of the card) gives you time to think about the new implications of the card with the Quantum images before you get bogged down in RWS meanings. Click on either photo for a larger scan. The spread is the Compass Spread by my friend Sherry at Green Trinity.

2009 11-03 Quantum Compass Spread 2The “center” card, which represents where I am at now, is Jupiter (King of Wands). Jupiter was the ultimate father figure in Roman times, and is very self controlled. I’ve been controlling myself almost to the point of stifling lately, so it makes sense.

The North position of my compass is the Solar System (Ten of Pentacles), representing what leaves me cold. I think right now I just feel like security is so far away as to be a joke, and without security, how can we have that sense of completion that comes with the tens?

What warms me is Particle Decay (Five of Cups). I’m starting to feel good about getting past what I have lost and working the new, different situation into my life. It’s a challenge, not a painful situation. Or at least that is how I am trying to see it.

2009 11-03 Quantum Compass SpreadI am set back by Mars (Knight of Wands). He is passion and fiery energy. I want to go to war with my problems. I want to fix them, and I mean yesterday, but my largest problem right now can only be solved by patience, persistence, and time. It’s getting me pretty riled up, and I have not been feeling my best because of the impotent feelings of it.

What moves me forward is Neptume (King of Cups). Looks like my husband is the driving force pulling me forward. Makes sense to me. There were a lot of court cards today!

Daily Draw for Monday

Back to the Da Vinci Enigma for today. I’ve been off of it for a few days as things got hectic around home, but I have missed my cards, so I’m glad to have the time to get back to my daily readings. Today I drew the seven of Water (Cups) the Knight of Fire (Wands), and the four of Air (Swords). Click on the scan for a larger image.

2009 08-24 DailyThe seven of Water is an illusion done by Da Vinci, which shows a bat one way, and a dog the other. The card has a keyword: illusion. Am I deluding myself about something today? Well, there is a Tarot deck that I found for a great price, but it doesn’t ship to the US. I want to charge forward like the Knight of Fire, and find someone in a European country willing to play middle man, but perhaps now is a better time for Repose, a la the four of Air. Stop, rest, and rethink this, is what the cards are saying. Guess I will do.

Keep your eyes out tomorrow to win a copy of the Da Vinci Enigma Tarot or a reading with this deck soon! But if you just can’t wait, the Da Vinci Enigma is also available on Amazon. All items purchased through the links on this blog benefit Reading the Cards, so thank you!

Daily Draw for Sunday

You may have noticed that there are days here and there when I cannot get online to update a daily draw for a particular day, however I am trying to keep things updated at least six days a week. That said, today’s daily draw is the Knight of Wands, the Hanged man, and the Queen of Cups.

2009 08-09 DailyThe artist on the Fenestra Tarot used different styles for the minor arcana and the major arcana, so the card that stands out here to me is the Hanged Man. He is unconcerned, his foot bound to the tree, his other leg loose, and his arms behind his back. Is this a pose of relaxation, or is he bound that way as well? He is unworried, even radiant.

There is a contrast in the characters here. The Knight of Wands is extremely determined, and the Queen of cups is very relaxed in posture. You wouldn’t think they would get along, even though they look like they could be sisters. Perhaps the Hanged Man is suggesting a different way to look at things. The women could be great helps to one another if only they could align their different viewpoints. I may need to look at bringing my creative energy and my nurturing energy into balance.

The Fenestra is a deck designed and created by a Thai artist to express the many influence on her artistic work and her love of the Tarot. The images are soft acrylic in a watercolor style, and pretty easy to read. If you would like to purchase the Fenestra Tarot, click here!  All purchases through the link of this blog support Reading the Cards, so thank you!

Daily Draw for Saturday

Today I drew the High Priestess, the Four of Cups, and the Knight of Wands. Click on the image for a larger scan of the cards.

2009 08-01 DailyThe High Priestess looks so carefree, absolutely not weighed down by her tasks or the expectations that are placed on her. She floats through her realm, totally confident and peaceful.

The four of Cups looks peaceful too, but in a different way. He is relaxing, calm and happy, but then there is something out of his reach, and suddenly he cannot focus on what he already has.

The Knight of Wands is still, and while his horse has raised one foot, there is not much movement in this card. He seems to be looking right at me, asking whether I am really working toward my goals, or whether I am waiting for him to come rescue me. The fact that he’s not moving suggests that I have to get there myself.

I think that the High Priestess is trying to show me how to balance all of the many things that I want to do in my life right now. The stars in her hair, which traditionally represent the signs of the zodiac, seem to me to be the things that are literally “on her mind”. They are balanced and not overwhelming her. Taking that together with the four, perhaps I should strive to use my “wants” to balance myself out. For example, think about the goal while I am doing a task that I don’t enjoy. As the Knight says, I’m on my own, but I can do it or he wouldn’t just be sitting there.

If you would like to buy the Gilded Tarot for your own collection, please click here. The deck is a wonderful beginner deck, but also has enough depth to sustain a more advanced reader. It has been one of my favorites for a long time. I also strongly recommend pre-ordering the Legacy of the Divine Tarot by the same artist. By buying through the links in this blog, you help support Reading the Cards, so thank you!