Compass Spread with the Quantum Tarot

This copy of the Quantum Tarot is special in that I have blacked out the card names at the bottom. The colorful oval in the middle of that strip still indicates which card each is, but the black space (instead of the name of the card) gives you time to think about the new implications of the card with the Quantum images before you get bogged down in RWS meanings. Click on either photo for a larger scan. The spread is the Compass Spread by my friend Sherry at Green Trinity.

2009 11-03 Quantum Compass Spread 2The “center” card, which represents where I am at now, is Jupiter (King of Wands). Jupiter was the ultimate father figure in Roman times, and is very self controlled. I’ve been controlling myself almost to the point of stifling lately, so it makes sense.

The North position of my compass is the Solar System (Ten of Pentacles), representing what leaves me cold. I think right now I just feel like security is so far away as to be a joke, and without security, how can we have that sense of completion that comes with the tens?

What warms me is Particle Decay (Five of Cups). I’m starting to feel good about getting past what I have lost and working the new, different situation into my life. It’s a challenge, not a painful situation. Or at least that is how I am trying to see it.

2009 11-03 Quantum Compass SpreadI am set back by Mars (Knight of Wands). He is passion and fiery energy. I want to go to war with my problems. I want to fix them, and I mean yesterday, but my largest problem right now can only be solved by patience, persistence, and time. It’s getting me pretty riled up, and I have not been feeling my best because of the impotent feelings of it.

What moves me forward is Neptume (King of Cups). Looks like my husband is the driving force pulling me forward. Makes sense to me. There were a lot of court cards today!

Daily Draw for Tuesday

Today’s deck is less widely available in the States than most of the others that I have used. It is called the Lunatic Tarot, and it is from a Chinese artist. It has very nice cardstock and some images that are not for the faint of heart. Today’s draw is the ten of Pentacles, the seven of Cups, and the High Priestess. Click on the cards for a larger image.

2009 10-20 DailyThe ten of Pentacles immediately catches my eye because it is so different from the other two. It is rough and hard to read compared to the elegantly drawn cards from the rest of the reading. It makes me think that my ten of Pentacles state is sort of in a rough draft phase right now as well. I have this image in my head, but we’re not there yet.

The seven of Cups plays into this a little bit. The woman is standing among some huge cups. They seem to be almost crushing her, and she looks worried. Are they growing? Perhaps her dreams and fantasies are taking over much more of her life than she is comfortable with. If I want to get to my completed ten of Pentacles, I will probably have to stop the daydreaming and take a solid action.

The High Priestess looks rather rich herself, surrounded by the Pentacles on her mantle, there. She is femininity, self control, and wisdom embodied. As a majors card, she is also trying to show me something very important. Perhaps that I need to use my wisdom to choose my path to the ten?