Daily Draw for Thursday

Today I drew the two of Wands, the Queen of Cups, and the ten of Cups. Please click on the cards for a larger scan.

2009 10-15 DailyI was particularly surprised to note the return of the Queen of Cups today. She popped up just two days ago. In fact, I seem to be seeing a lot of cups cards lately.

The first card in the reading is the two of Wands, and I couldn’t help but think how sad this little fae looks. She obviously wants to jump up and fly, but she’s too scared. The Queen is looking into her cup and seeing the plight of the little fae, and you can see the concern on her face. She wants to use her magic to transform the situation on the two of wands into a situation like the one on the ten of Cups. Of course the Queen of Cups sees a Cups solution, which may not be entirely objective of her.

Am I afraid to fly? Maybe. The empathic part of myself wishes I could be happier and isn’t sure how to work that magic, at least not yet. I think now is a wonderful time to think seriously about how to transform my empty nest feelings into full cup feelings instead.

Daily Draw for Tuesday

Today’s reading is the Chariot, the four of Chalices, and the Queen of Chalices. Click on the cards to see a larger scan.

2009 10-13 DailyI see this reading as sort of a story. The Chariot shows how far I have come so far, and also reminds me that I am on a loooong path. It came up for me just a few days ago to show something similar. The four of Chalices is how I feel right now; I dream of something better – better finances, better skills – but dreaming won’t get me there without action. She has that wonderful big cup, and all she can do is dream of the next, better one. Better for me to be the Queen of Cups. See how she takes advantage of what she has in front of her instead of wishing for more. She looks deeply into her cups and works her magic as well as she is able to with what is right in front of her. Smart Queen.

Daily Draw for Sunday

You may have noticed that there are days here and there when I cannot get online to update a daily draw for a particular day, however I am trying to keep things updated at least six days a week. That said, today’s daily draw is the Knight of Wands, the Hanged man, and the Queen of Cups.

2009 08-09 DailyThe artist on the Fenestra Tarot used different styles for the minor arcana and the major arcana, so the card that stands out here to me is the Hanged Man. He is unconcerned, his foot bound to the tree, his other leg loose, and his arms behind his back. Is this a pose of relaxation, or is he bound that way as well? He is unworried, even radiant.

There is a contrast in the characters here. The Knight of Wands is extremely determined, and the Queen of cups is very relaxed in posture. You wouldn’t think they would get along, even though they look like they could be sisters. Perhaps the Hanged Man is suggesting a different way to look at things. The women could be great helps to one another if only they could align their different viewpoints. I may need to look at bringing my creative energy and my nurturing energy into balance.

The Fenestra is a deck designed and created by a Thai artist to express the many influence on her artistic work and her love of the Tarot. The images are soft acrylic in a watercolor style, and pretty easy to read. If you would like to purchase the Fenestra Tarot, click here!  All purchases through the link of this blog support Reading the Cards, so thank you!