Daily Draw for Friday

Look who finally got a draw posted in the morning for once! Today I am using my Osho cards, and they seem to have a few favorites to toss my way, like it or not. I drew the seven of Fire (Wands), Integration (Temperance), and the three of Clouds (Swords). Click on the card images to see a larger scan.

2009 10-02 DailyAsking what my day holds for me and seeing Stress and Ice-Olation is not exactly comforting, but the temperance in the middle makes all the difference. I have a lot of balls in the air, just like my friend on the seven, and I do take care of most of it alone, as in the three, but I am also working very hard to keep those many things as balanced as possible. I have plans to work out today, and plans to work. I have housework that I need to do, and family that I can and probably will visit with tonight. Balance. Not overdoing any one thing. Temperance. I think the two “negative” cards are showing me what will happen if I drop the ball and forget to keep myself centered today. Message received!

It is also interesting to note that since I started doing daily draws, the only times that I have drawn the seven of Wands and the three of Swords have been with the Osho Zen Tarot deck. Kind of interesting!

The Osho Zen Tarot is an interesting deck for beginners because of the intuitive images on the cards. As a more advanced reader, I really love comparing the keywords to my established definitions of the cards. To buy the Osho Zen Tarot, click here. You might also be interested in the Osho Zen Tarot: Music for Tarot Reading. By buying through the links in this blog, you help support Reading the Cards, so thank you!

Goddess Draw

I have a set of Goddess cards with beautiful paintings on the front and information about each Goddess on the back. I draw them often, especially when I feel as if I need guidance in a situation or help to get through a tough time. Today I drew for meditation purposes, and got Rhiannon. Click on her for a larger scan, and to read about this Goddess.

RhiannonIf you are interested in working with the Goddess Knowledge Cards, please check out this link to Amazon. The cards are beautiful and inexpensive, and can can really provide needful guidance. If you enjoy Goddesses, you may also be interested in the Goddess Guidance Oracle Cards. Every time you make a purchase through a link on this site, you are supporting Reading the Cards, so Thank You!!

Published in: on October 2, 2009 at 7:33 am  Comments (1)  
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Wednesday Oracle

I’m back to the Wednesday oracle readings at last, starting with the lovely Celtic Messages Oracle. It’s new to me, but so far I enjoy it and I could not help but laugh when I pulled a very appropriate card today, the Cauldron. Click on it to see a larger scan.

2009 09-30 Wednesday OracleThe Cauldron card says “Abundance, Prosperity, Hidden Riches” on the front, and combined with the image, I had to smile. I spent all morning cooking so that I can just pop dinner in the oven before my husband gets home. The stuffed crepes that I made are a family favorite, and I have treasured the recipe since I discovered it.

There are two pieces of wisdom that I really took note of in the book. The first said to get advice before making purchases. This caught my eye because I plan on starting October with a dedication toward not spending money unless it is absolutely necessary (diapers, milk, cat food, but not “wants”). The other piece of wisdom was “Be prepared to share.” It is the last phrase on the page, and even seems a little out of place, but it is good advice. When money gets tight, my first impulse is to eat less and hoard leftovers, so when my husband suggested inviting some friends over for dinner recently, I had a moment of panic. The card is telling me that I can relax my grip on the pantry – we’re doing ok.

The deck that I used today is the Celtic Messages Oracle. It is available on Amazon for a great price, and it seems to be a deck well worth the money. You may also want to consider The Book of Celtic Symbols: Symbols, Stories & Blessings for Everyday Living from the same author. Every purchase you make from Amazon after clicking a link in this blog will benefit Reading the Cards, so thank you very much.

Published in: on September 30, 2009 at 3:33 pm  Leave a Comment  
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Daily Draw for Friday

Insomnia has returned, and I am slowly going crazy. Today’s cards are The World, King of Wands, and nine of Wands. You will make them all very happy if you give them a little clicky so you can see them better. Just hit the back button to keep reading.

2009 09-25 DailyThe World card seems to be speaking to me of building a strong foundation. She is confident in her footing, or else she wouldn’t be able to dance among the stars. The King of Wands mirrors that confidence, and the lions at his feet speak of control as well. The combination of cards seems to be saying that when my foundation is strong, I will be strong as well.

The woman on the nine looks like she is getting ready to plant that last wand in a row with the others. Perhaps she is nearing the end of a long journey, and is feeling some success. This is not really the end of a journey for me right now, but it is the end of feeling like a total newbie on my hoop, which has been suspended in my garage for several weeks now. I am still tender and having trouble with certain moves, but I no longer feel like a total beginner again, and I am gaining confidence and joy in the basics that I practice (almost constantly).

The deck that I used today is the Mystic Dreamer Tarot. If you enjoy it, you may also like the Llewellyn Tarot. Both are available through Amazon, and any purchase made through the links on this page will benefit Reading the Cards, so thank you for your patronage!

Daily Draw for Wednesday

Today’s draw is the seven of Cups, the two of Cups, and the Wheel of Fortune.Click on the cards to see a larger scan of the reading.

2009 09-23 DailyThe seven of Cups usually comes up for me when I need to stop daydreaming, choose an area of focus, and just GO. In this case I think I am spending too much time working on my other projects (including both Tarot and crochet) and not enough time with the circus training that I love. It is a lot easier to sit on the couch with some yarn and some cards than to get up and move, but I need to!

Ah, but the two of cups, what a card of harmony, no? I don’t need to give up my other hobbies, I just need to find a balance. I need to be willing to spend time on all of the things I love when they will each benefit me most. I may be hanging out at a cafe with my yarn or my cards tonight, so I should get some stretching or some working out done today.

I like the Wheel of Fortune card. What goes up must come down, the whole world is a circle and things go in cycles. The Wheel reminds me of fate and destiny, and I know that my time is coming… I just have to be ready to enjoy it when it gets here.

The deck that I used today is the Mystic Dreamer Tarot. If you enjoy it, you may also like the Llewellyn Tarot. Both are available through Amazon, and any purchase made through the links on this page will benefit Reading the Cards, so thank you for your patronage!

Daily Draw for Tuesday

Today’s daily draw is with the Mystic Dreamer Tarot, yet again. The cards are the four of Cups, the ten of Swords, and the Hermit. Not a very “happy” reading overall! Click on the cards for a larger image.

2009 09-22 Daily

The four of Cups strikes me as a very sad card in this deck. Normally I associate this card with longing, but the woman in this deck seems to go beyond that, even perhaps mourning what she dreamed of but cannot reach. I was trying to figure out what in my life makes me feel that way, and I realized that it may be the attempts to sell my creative work, including my Tarot readings here and my crocheted items at Tangled Yarn Creations. It seems like these ventures are “dead” before they even get truly started, much like the ten of Swords.

If the first two cards are about my feelings, then the Hermit is perhaps about the solution. He stands alone with a small pile of books and scrolls and a pen and paper. Doing his homework, I would almost say. It may just be that I need to stop closeting myself away with research, theory, and even with my projects, and get out into the world to spread the word about my projects. I have a lot to share, so it would be lovely to be better able to share it.

The deck that I used today is the Mystic Dreamer Tarot. If you enjoy it, you may also like the Llewellyn Tarot. Both are available through Amazon, and any purchase made through the links on this page will benefit Reading the Cards, so thank you for your patronage!

Daily Draw for Wednesday

I am not sure if I will do an oracle pull today or not, but the cards were calling to me, so out they come. I shuffled for almost ten minutes while I read some email today, and only when I was done did I hold the cards, direct my focus, and shuffle some more for the daily draw. And yet here is the King of Swords again, for the second day in a row! He comes with the two of Swords and the four of Pentacles. As always, click for a larger image.

2009 09-16 DailyYesterday I was having trouble reading my daily reading. Today I found out that Mercury is in retrograde, and one of the things that it is currently affecting is clarity in communication. Great. I also found out that it is affecting writers, which I am. Also great. At least I know why my life has literally exploded since September 7th! (For example, today the microwave burst into flames.)

After trying valiantly to ignore the noble King of Swords yesterday, he came back today to remind me that I didn’t get the message. He brought the two of Swords with him, perhaps to drive home the point. It does show a woman blindfolded, after all. The card image looks as if the sun is coming out from behind the moon, perhaps representing clarity after confusion. The moon is in many Mystic Dreamer cards, and it is in all three of these.

The four of Pentacles looks just like I feel. She is sitting on the ground clinging to her pentacle in the same way that I feel like I have to pinch every penny right now. Like many people, money is currently a problem for me. The two represents choices in many cases. Perhaps the choice to remain blindfolded or to see what’s in front of me. She is facing toward the King of Swords on the next card, who still looks arrogant and in control. To be honest, this card sort of creeps me out, the way his expression is.

I admit I am still thoroughly confused. 😦

The deck that I used today is the Mystic Dreamer Tarot. If you enjoy it, you may also like the Llewellyn Tarot. Both are available through Amazon, and any purchase made through the links on this page will benefit Reading the Cards, so thank you for your patronage!

Daily Draw for Tuesday

Today’s reading pretty much puzzles me. The cards are the Knight of Cups, the eight of Wands, and the King of Swords. Click on the actual image to see a larger scan of the cards.

2009 09-14 DailyThe Knight of Cups is moving forward toward the same thing that the woman in the eight of Wands is looking at. Perhaps they are heading toward the same goal? Perhaps the King of Swords IS that goal. The wands card represents power and forward movement, so perhaps that is the Knight of Cups picking up speed on the quest.

If this relates to me in a job sense, I would say that it is my progression, slowly plodding forward right now, but soon to move more surely and quickly toward what I want.

The deck that I used today is the Mystic Dreamer Tarot. If you enjoy it, you may also like the Llewellyn Tarot. Both are available through Amazon, and any purchase made through the links on this page will benefit Reading the Cards, so thank you for your patronage!

Daily Draw for Monday

I’m trying to get out of a funk that has taken over lately, so I’m making the extra effort to get back into doing my daily draws. Today’s draw is the five of Pentacles, the two of Wands, and the nine of Wands. Click on the cards to see a larger scan.

2009 09-07 DailyThe five of Pentacles makes me think of how I feel right now. A little bit out in the cold over an encounter with a very bitter bureaucratic type who refuses to be helpful in any way. I feel turned upside down and confused by her aggressiveness and rudeness.

The two of wands shows where I would rather be – a position of balance and freedom versus having the ground shaking under my feet. This leads to the nine of wands, which represents victory. The cards are telling me that even though I am shaken up right now, focusing on getting my feet back under me and forgetting about the tremor will lead me to a happy place.

If you would like to own of copy of this deck, the Tarot Roots of Asia, please click on the link! Anything that you buy through the links of this blog support Reading the Cards, so thank you!

Second Try for WINNER – Da Vinci Enigma Tarot Deck

Our first winner has not contacted me, so I have done a second drawing… congratulations to Carole who loves “The 10 of Pentacles”! Please contact me for your prize!

Published in: on September 6, 2009 at 10:44 am  Leave a Comment